PEscreen® - Preeclampsia Screening Test

A rapid screening test to predict the risk of development of preeclampsia

Minimally Invasive

Cost Efficient

Early Detection

Easy To Perform

Rapid Test


Early diagnosis and timely intervention can lead to a healthier pregnancy

2- 2 %
Of Pregnancy Related Complications
+ 0
maternal deaths yearly worldwide
+ 0
fetal deaths worldwide
0 %
annual rise in preeclampsia globally


A pregnancy related disease characterised by high blood pressure and the presence of protein in urine, Preeclampsia can be fatal to both the mother and the baby. Currently, the rate of this disease in developing countries is seven times higher than that in developed countries.

Based on the time of appearance of clinical symptoms, PE has been classified into early (before 34 weeks) and late onset (after 34 weeks) of gestation. Early onset is associated with high risk to both mother and fetus, whereas late onset may contribute to less severe clinical symptoms.



An innovative, rapid, minimally-invasive solution for screening preeclampsia. This test can predict the risk of development of preeclampsia in upcoming weeks of gestation based on the levels of a placental based biomarker.

Identified as a technology of national importance by ICMR and is currently undergoing rigorous clinical validation



Test Device

Bufer viral

Buffer vial



Innovatively developed

Preeclampsia Screening Test

What Does The Test Detect?

Detects a protein from a drop of blood in 15 minutes

Where Can You Perform The Test?

Hospitals, Clinics, Path Labs, PHCs

When Can You Perform The Test?

During regular antenatal visits

Who Can Perform The Test?

Doctors, Nurses, Trained ASHA workers and lab technicians

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